Sri Lanka, 2018
IN THE TROPICS THE HAIR FEELS DIFFERENT / In den Tropen fühlen sich die Haare anders an
Monika Michalko & Jan Michalko
Eröffnung: 8. Sep 2108, ab 19 Uhr
Born 1975 in Sokolov/Former Czechoslovakia. Self tought.
His first encounter with photography started in 1996 on several journeys in Eastern Europe.
He received a recognition as artist by BBK (German Federal Association of artists), became a member of the photo agency Bilderberg in Hamburg, Picturetank in Paris and the international photo collective Tangophoto. He has been a participant of the World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass in 2001. In 2012, he founded, a showcase for personal work of independent photographers. He has traveled widely throughout Europe and Asia for numerous projects.
Up to this day, he focuses on reportage and documentary projects in his personal work. His work has been exhibited at home and abroad.
Selected Exhibitions
01/2019 UNDER THE UNDERGROUND, Galerie Franzkowiak, Berlin
09/2018 IN THE TROPICS THE HAIR FEELS DIFFERENT. Monika & Jan Michalko, Galerie Franzkowiak Berlin
03/2015 FROM THE NOTEBOOK at Raum für Fotografie at Neuköllner Leuchtturm. Germany, Berlin
07/2014 EASTREET 2 – exhibition of street photography from Eastern Europe Lublin, Poland
10/2013 EASTREET – exhibition of street photography from Eastern Europe within the Integrations – Mediations festival in Lublin, Poland
06/2012 SHQIP – Photographs from Albania. Photographers group exhibition at Promenades Photographiques Photofestival, Vendome, France
09/2011 WHERE IS THE GO? Photographs from Cairo. Exhibition at Kunstwerke Köln e.V, long night of the museums. Cologne, Germany
08/2011 DRUM BUN! Photographs from Romania. Solo show at Leica Gallery Solms, Germany
07/2011 Exhibition Sasiedzi-Nachbarn 2.0., german-polish festival, German embassy and Goethe-Institut. Warsaw, Poland
06/2011 Photographs from Cairo. Photographer group project. AE Gallery Potsdam, Germany
01/2005 Group exhibition at Guangzhou Photo Biennial Guangdong Museum of Art, China
07/2003 Group exhibition of the international photocollective Tangophoto and Belgium based photographers group Blow-up Photo. Les Rencontres d’Arles, France